KV Store Performance Improvements

Background Almost two years ago I decided that I wanted to write my own key-value store from scratch, however, I never got the chance to profile the code and make any performance improvements. Recently, I got an itch to look at some flamegraphs so I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to see if I can speed things up a bit. I recommend reading the previous post to get a better understanding of the work done here....

January 20, 2025 · 1494 words · agao

Writing a Crappy SQL Database from Scratch

Surprisingly, I’ve never had to write much SQL (i.e. any) in any of my previous jobs or current job before. So I thought it would be fun to get my hands dirty and try implementing a subset of SQL with an in-memory backend. It mostly follows from this blog post. But, I also wasn’t super interested in writing my own SQL parser, so I decided to use a fork of Vitess’ sqlparser library....

November 10, 2024 · 1244 words · agao

Writing a Key-Value Store From Scratch

A few months ago I was inspired by this post on how RocksDB works, and decided that it would be a fun exercise to implement a database myself. This post is more of a documentation of how I built my own key-value store, but I still hope to give an overview of how they work, and provide enough details for someone to implement one themselves. The database and code snippets are written in Go, and the source code can be found here....

August 23, 2023 · 2653 words · agao